dnbf guide | dnbf enigma | dnbf original

In a world that often feels divided and chaotic, there is a powerful force capable of building bridges, inspiring action and change: the human voice.

So we are now launching three podcasts: 1) dnbf guide, 2) dnbf enigma and 3) dnbf orginal. These are bilingual podcasts, where some episodes are in Norwegian and some in English. The goal is, as always, to motivate and help towards deep contentment, wisdom and freedom.

  • dnbf guide – contains only guided meditation from different instructors
  • dnbf enigma – contains teachings from teachers who draw a lot from themselves and their own experience – but of course inspired by Buddha’s teachings.
  • dnbf original – contains teachings of/about Buddha’s original teachings taken from the Pali and Sanskrit texts

We’re off to a slow start with around 40+ episodes and the majority of them are in English, but more in Norwegian will follow. And we still have teaching that we will publish. New episodes will be published on an ongoing basis.

The podcasts are available in all podcast apps, on our website, and at Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, Castbox, Pocket Cast, PlayerFM and in several smaller catalogs.

For those who want to start listening, we have a recommendation – listen to a rising star, Venerable Canda!

Early Buddhism online

What do we do when we see that different teachers and traditions strongly disagree? Then many seek to return to the original, back to early Buddhism – the wisdom that started a 2500-year-old spiritual tradition.

Inspired by the chair of the society, Ajahn Brahmali was invited to point out the teaching that all traditions have in common. What is it? And what is it not? And why is this important?

The society had invested in new equipment to ensure high quality audio recordings – and it paid off. The entire course is available in Norwegian in the podcast dnbf original, but the episodes can also be played directly on our website – where the notes are also available:

Silent 7-day meditation retreat Venabu

On 25th of October, the big retreat of the fall starts, and we have invited Bhante Sujato as an instructor, one of the foremost when it comes to expertise on the early teachings, and we ask: According to Buddha’s timeless teachings – what is awakening? What is it like to be awakened? Why should we practice against awakening? Is it possible today?

Of course, Bhante Sujato will provide a lot of instruction around meditation and mindfulness, but we have the theme of awakening as an exciting frame around the retreat.

Bhante Sujato has 30 years of full-time practice – and he’s found the time to translate the entire early teaching from Pali to English, which is published for free online: suttacentral.net

There are still a few places left…

Ask a brave or unusual question

After the retreat at Venabu, we plan to create a podcast episode with difficult, brave or unusual questions for Bhante Sujato. Now’s your chance – we’ll help you ask an anonymous question you haven’t dared to ask yourself.

Submit a question anonymously on this website and we’ll create an episode with answers to questions you’ve always wondered about!

Journey to the Origins

After the 7-days retreat, Bhante Sujato travels straight to Oslo, and the weekend 2nd and 3rd of November, a weekend retreat will be arranged at Pranahuset, Sandvika. This will again be a retreat focused on early Buddhism, and practice.

This retreat is fully booked, but you are welcome to put yourself on the waiting list, because from experience there are always some who have to cancel.

Weekend retreat basic meditation Stockholm

There will be a weekend retreat focusing on basic meditation and mindfulness on November 9 and 10 with Ajahn Nitho at Yogarummet in Björkhagen, Stockholm. This is an introduction and a few weeks later there will be another retreat focusing on deeper meditation and practice.

Further ahead

We are working on the following events:

  • India pilgrimage tour, some lucky travelers will join our tour of India in December, the registration deadline has expired.
  • Weekend retreat Helsinki
  • 7-days retreat Troset, Trondheim
  • 7-days retreat outside Stockholm
  • Weekend retreat Copenhagen
  • Long weekend residential retreat Arendal
  • 7-days retreat Venabu with Canda/Nitho, pre-registration is possible!
  • Weekend retreat Oxford
  • 7-days retreat Kreivila, Helsinki

See the front page of the society’s website for more info.

DNBF wishes everyone all the best!