Sunday, 24. November 2024
For those who seriously want to cross over, we are now starting the fjord group. There will be an residential weekend retreat in Finland, an 8-day retreat outside Trondheim, an advanced weekend retreat in Stockholm, for deeper inspiration we are planning an intensive Pali language course - and we will meet at a café in Oslo in the pre-holliday rush, while others are now start their trip to India!
Monday, 30. September 2024
We're now inviting everyone into our podcast world, which includes this summer's teaching from Ajahn Brahmali on early Buddhism, as well as inspiration from Venabu - and a long list of upcoming activities is starting to fall into place.
Wednesday, 7. August 2024
As the monastics intensify their efforts during the annual three-month retreat, we look forward to an exciting fall. Leading up to our trip to India, we have the following activities on the calendar.
Tuesday, 14. May 2024
Summer is almost here and a few events remain before the holidays, and the late summer events are starting to fall into place - as usual, we are gathering inspiration from near and far!
Saturday, 27. January 2024
Nitho has been well taken care of as a guest at Wat Thai, but the society now wants to give him a home of his own. Can you help us find a suitable site to put our first building on?
Sunday, 21. January 2024
It's snowing, and we hope the cross country snow stays in Rondane, where we have the Venabu retreat 2024 in April. We're also looking forward to a snow-free inspiring indoor winter weekend in Trondheim - and when it comes to India, we guarantee a snow-free trip to the Buddha's homeland.
Saturday, 9. December 2023
Holydays are approaching, and we have spent a lot of time planning activities. Here follows some news, and what we are currently planning for 2024.
Friday, 24. November 2023
The Faith Society DNBF - join the Buddhist Society of Norway on an important next step!
Sunday, 13. August 2023
The mountain retreat at Hardangervidda is over, and the monastics have now started their annual three-months retreat. Here are the plans going forward in time.
Wednesday, 17. May 2023
After the society's first big retreat at Venabu, we have the following plans going forward.
Saturday, 18. March 2023
The retreat at Venabu is almost full, the annual general meeting will be in April - here is the plan going forward.
Wednesday, 21. December 2022
The society changes its name, and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - here are the plans going forward.
Saturday, 5. November 2022
What happens if you sit alone in silence for 6 months in a small cabin in the forest? Bhikkhuni Ayya Canda is visiting Oslo to tell about her experiences. Here are the events of the visit.
Sunday, 11. September 2022
The Mountain Retreat is over for this year, the monks are on their 3-month retreat, and we are planning for the autumn. Here are our plans so far.
Wednesday, 6. July 2022
Here is some information, before the annual 3 month retreat - where the first month is in Jotunheimen in a group. Here are some news.
Saturday, 30. April 2022
We are planning many weekend retreats in the future - here are the dates!