• Sunday, 24. November 2024

    For those who seriously want to cross over, we are now starting the fjord group. There will be an residential weekend retreat in Finland, an 8-day retreat outside Trondheim, an advanced weekend retreat in Stockholm, for deeper inspiration we are planning an intensive Pali language course - and we will meet at a café in Oslo in the pre-holliday rush, while others are now start their trip to India!

  • Monday, 30. September 2024

    We're now inviting everyone into our podcast world, which includes this summer's teaching from Ajahn Brahmali on early Buddhism, as well as inspiration from Venabu - and a long list of upcoming activities is starting to fall into place.

  • Wednesday, 7. August 2024

    As the monastics intensify their efforts during the annual three-month retreat, we look forward to an exciting fall. Leading up to our trip to India, we have the following activities on the calendar.

  • Tuesday, 14. May 2024

    Summer is almost here and a few events remain before the holidays, and the late summer events are starting to fall into place - as usual, we are gathering inspiration from near and far!

  • Saturday, 27. January 2024

    Nitho has been well taken care of as a guest at Wat Thai, but the society now wants to give him a home of his own. Can you help us find a suitable site to put our first building on?

  • Sunday, 21. January 2024

    It's snowing, and we hope the cross country snow stays in Rondane, where we have the Venabu retreat 2024 in April. We're also looking forward to a snow-free inspiring indoor winter weekend in Trondheim - and when it comes to India, we guarantee a snow-free trip to the Buddha's homeland.

  • Saturday, 9. December 2023

    Holydays are approaching, and we have spent a lot of time planning activities. Here follows some news, and what we are currently planning for 2024.

  • Friday, 24. November 2023

    The Faith Society DNBF - join the Buddhist Society of Norway on an important next step!

  • Sunday, 13. August 2023

    The mountain retreat at Hardangervidda is over, and the monastics have now started their annual three-months retreat. Here are the plans going forward in time.

  • Wednesday, 17. May 2023

    After the society's first big retreat at Venabu, we have the following plans going forward.

  • Saturday, 18. March 2023

    The retreat at Venabu is almost full, the annual general meeting will be in April - here is the plan going forward.

  • Wednesday, 21. December 2022

    The society changes its name, and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - here are the plans going forward.

  • Saturday, 5. November 2022

    What happens if you sit alone in silence for 6 months in a small cabin in the forest? Bhikkhuni Ayya Canda is visiting Oslo to tell about her experiences. Here are the events of the visit.

  • Sunday, 11. September 2022

    The Mountain Retreat is over for this year, the monks are on their 3-month retreat, and we are planning for the autumn. Here are our plans so far.

  • Wednesday, 6. July 2022

    Here is some information, before the annual 3 month retreat - where the first month is in Jotunheimen in a group. Here are some news.

  • Saturday, 30. April 2022

    We are planning many weekend retreats in the future - here are the dates!