OVBF has finished its first season of activities and teachings. Ajahn Nitho has started the series about eigth-fold path og vi har fått møte mange besøkende på våre fortsatt ustrukturerte fredag-møter i Oslo.
It has been a hectic short first season, with setup of a lot of basic infrastructure: banking, websites, formal papers, constitution, web office system, etc. So much of the foundation is now in place, for future activity.
Later, during the autumn/winter, when Ajahn Nitho has finished his three-month retreat, and the 7-day retreat by Krøderfjorden is finished, we will start up again. We will also help teaching, together with a monk from The Vietnamese Buddhist Society, the confirmants in October.
So the start of the new season in Oslo, will probably be in September.

Music: Bensound