Patron Recurring Donations
kr 100 / month
Monthly recurring donations to the society of NOK 100 times a number, so the monthly amount can be NOK 100, 200, 500, 900, etc. There’s no lock-in period, you can cancel the recurring donations whenever you want.
A patron – a protector – is someone who supports the society with a fixed recurring monthly donation, either using Vipps, Visa, Master or AvtaleGiro. In ancient Rome, a patron (patronus) was a person who acted as a protector for another person or organization.
Read more about the Patron/protector scheme on this website
Recurring Donations
Only the agreed amount is ever deducted, it happens automatically, and the donor receives a receipt by email every time/month. When using Vipps, the agreement is available in the Vipps app.
There is no lock-in period and you can cancel your recurring donations at any time. Contact us at if you have problems with the cancellation.
You can cancel the donations yourself by going to “My account” on the website, select “Orders”, select “View” order, select “View” related recurring donations agreement, select “Cancel”.
Tax deductions
The society has applied to be approved as an organization that provides tax deductions to donors of monetary donations. This application, as well as our complaint, was rejected because our society is too small. So DNBF cannot currently offer tax deductions on donations.