Help us a little – if you want us the best
We are now creating an advisory group, which can help the committee with advice, ideas, feedback, etc. It does not matter where you live, as long as you wish us the best, because all communication will be digital – email, Telegram and sometimes a phone call. We need your help! Read more on this web page.
Mountain Retreat 2022
If you have a few days free this summer, and like the outdoor open air – then visit us in Jotunheimen where we will arrange an exciting pilot project – a mountain retreat. Read more on this web page.
Mindfulness Weekend Retreat
We are planning a weekend retreat in August / September, where the main focus probably will be Emotion-based Mindfulness and Meditation, with Jaran de los Santos Olsen as the instructor. More information will come later in newsletters and social media.
Join us
We will be happy to see you as a member of our society. Send us an email to if you want to join us for the future.
Kristiansand, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø
Next Norwegian winter, we wish to arrange a 9-day retreat in the south, west or north of Norway. If you know someone who is interested in helping arranging the event, then we would like to hear from you.
Ajahn Brahm in Norway
Ajahn Brahm, my mentor from BSWA in Australia, will come to Norway in November. Then there will be both a retreat around Oslo somewhere and an exciting event at the House of Literature in Oslo, together with bhikkhuni Ayya Canda from Oxford. We have a little information, and more information will follow in our newsletter.
Happy Summer Holiday!