Ayya Canda is now building a city center in Oxford, but is coming to Oslo together with English-Australian Ajahn Brahm – mentor to both Ayya Canda and Ajahn Nitho. So naturally this newsletter is about the events in November.
Weekend Retreat – Ajahn Brahm
As expected, this retreat was fully booked very quickly, and there will be participants from Eastern Norway, Western Norway, Northern Norway, Europe and there are even participants flying in from New York. There is always someone who cancels, so feel free to put yourself on the waiting list!!
Ladie’s Night – Ayya Canda
This event was also very quickly fully booked. Far too often, it is a man who leads an event in Buddhism, so this time we have the pleasure of presenting an event for, by and with women 100%. This is also a small celebration for OVBF, which has long fought for equality within Buddhism.
Gentle Men’s Night – Ajahn Brahm
Buddhism in the West is like medical studies in Norway – strongly overrepresented on the female side. So to inspire the guys, who may find it strange to work with their inner world, we have created an evening just for men, together with one of the world’s foremost masters in meditation. Men are slow to join – but we think it will be a full house – when we open the doors in three weeks.
It’s Not Your Fault – Ajahn Brahm and Ayya Canda at Litteraturhuset
The House of Litterature in Oslo is a perfect arena for challenging and rewarding topics – so we have invited both of our guests to talk about our actions, about things we wish were different – which stand in the way of happiness and a better quality of life. Here is the link to the event at Litteraturhuset.
OVBF almost 50 members
OVBF is growing rapidly, and the committee has worked a lot on simplifying processes for managing events and members. We have assessed, tested and implemented many new IT tools, and we are now starting a larger process towards our members. Who are we? What do we want? And more major changes are coming forward in time.
Have a first-class autumn – and feel free to stop by our events!