Venabu Retreat April 2023
We have almost 50 pre-registered retreatants for our 7-day retreat at Venabu in April 2023, and the committee will open for bookings early January – first for our members, then everyone else. We are renting the entire mountain hotel, for seven days, for 50 people, with two instructors – and we will have dream conditions for meditation and inspiration, where everyone gets a private room with a bathroom. See this page for information and email notification.
OVBF becomes The Buddhist Society of Norway –
It was decided by the committee to change the name of the society, both because Viken county is being dissolved and we want to be a national society. It will take some time before the changes are implemented on the websites and Facebook, in banking and e-mails.
New Year’s Retreat in Trondheim
Our members have found good premises for the weekend New Year’s Retreat on the 20th to 22nd of January in central Trondheim. We already have 10 bookings, and we assume it will be a full house. More information and ordering on this page. We are now planning more courses and retreats until the summer of 2023.
New Foundation and Fundraiser
In addition to inspiration, teaching, courses and retreats going forward, the main focus of the committee will be our genuine wish to establish a retreat center in Norway – a Norwegian version of Spirit Rock. We are now working on establishing a foundation with a long-term and solid committee, on which an international fundraiser can rely. We just had Ajahn Brahm visiting Norway, and he will support us going forward.
The Visit of Ajahn Brahm and Ayya Canda
The visit by Ajahn Brahm and Ayya Canda was a test of the society’s, and especially the committee’s capacity to handle many and larger events – to be able to inspire many hundreds of people. And it went very well! We have bilingual websites, our own membership system, CRM, online order/ticket system, feedback system – and from experience we are now investing in more tools to make work easier – because there will be more large visits and events in the future.
But most importantly – we have a first-class committee!
And finally – The Buddhist Society of Norway – wishes everyone
Happy Holidays and a Joyfull New Year

Photo: Ian Parker, Tijana Drndarski