Venabu Retreat April 2023
We now only have 10 places left at The Venabu Retreat 22nd to 29th of April. We have passed 40 retreatants – both from Norway, Sweden, Finland and the USA – and there will soon be sent an e-mail with practical information. Ayya Canda from England, together with Ajahn Nitho from Norway are the instructors. The Norwegian monk Ajahn Ajito (Sindre) will visit one of the days and will also teach. This is an international retreat, and all teaching is in English.
The Spiritual Geography
The weekend 25th and 26th of March we organize a weekend retreat at Pranahuset in Sandvika, with Jaran DeLos Santos Olsen as instructor. The focus will be on insights into Buddhist philosophy and psychology. Instructor Jaran, former Buddhist monk and now clinical psychologist, has created a unique map of the world, which shows the way via emotion-focused mindfulness and meditation.
AGM 2023 on the 16th of April
DNBF organizes its annual meeting on Sunday 16th of April, at a later announced venue and time in Oslo. All members are welcome. Among other things, the annual meeting will elect the committee, and we have 8 people sitting in the committee, helping DNBF going forward in 2023 – which will be an exciting year with guests from home and abroad.
Ajahn Brahmali Weekend Retreat
Norwegian Ajahn Brahmali comes to Norway to inspire and teach meditation and Buddhism on 9th of – 11. June. More information about the topic and place will come later. Ajahn Brahmali has been a monk for almost 30 years, and belongs to the BSWA in Western Australia.
Mountain Retreat 2023
There will be a mountain retreat in July/August this year as well. As last year, this will be 4-week long retreat, where leaders from DNBF will be an inner core throughout the retreat, and participants can come and go on the days they wish – and we recommend that participants come in small groups. This is for those who like the outdoors, and who want to combine walks in the mountains, with meditation and social/inspiration/discussion in the evening. The idea behind this event is to create something for the spiritually interested in general – also for those who belong to other spiritual societies. This is still a small and unknown event – but we are working towards creating an exciting mix of spiritual people, who can meet, practice and develop friendship in the Norwegian mountains.
Ajahn Brahm as Spiritual Advisor
Ajahn Brahm, Spiritual Director of BSWA in Australia, as well as mentor and friend of Ajahn Nitho, has now been given the role of Spiritual Adviser for our society. He has taken on this role, to help the committee and the association move forward towards projects we want to realize in Norway.