Mini house for Ajahn Nitho

Our first building will be a mini house for Ajahn Nitho. Once built, it will be transported by truck to a future temporary site, no earlier than summer 2024. The building will later be moved on to a permanent property that DNBF will purchase.
In the meantime, we need your advice: Where is it possible for Ajahn Nitho to live in the Oslo area? It could be on a farm, a holiday property or a plot of land or something similar… and we don’t need a big plot of land.
This is an important and valuable next step for the society, it suits the society’s current financial situation and will provide operational experience and create a basis for future major real estate and construction projects.
Simpler approval from the municipality
The building falls within the rules for mini houses, and from 1st of July 2023, new rules apply that make it easier to obtain a permit from the municipality. The new Planning and Building Act is a “yes law” (see Norwegian language article in NRK); if you meet the regulatory requirements, the municipality cannot say no to living in the house.
Do you know of an alternative?
If you or someone you know might be able to help with a temporary plot somewhere around Oslo – send an email to