DNBF’s annual meeting 2025 will be on Friday 7th of March at 17:00 at the premises of Wahl Larsen Law Firm at Fridtjof Nansens plass 5, 0160 Oslo. It will also be possible to participate over the internet, see our website on that day for connection.
There are no proposals for changes to the constitution of society this year. Here is the agenda:
- Election of meeting moderator
- Approval of the AGM notice and agenda
- The annual report 2024
- Financial report 2024
- Any other business
- Determine the yearly membership fee
- Choose the comittee’s composition and representatives
The committee recommends the following composition of the committee 2025:
- Alf Helge Christensen – Chair of the Board
- Ajahn Nitho – spiritual leader
- Vidar Bundli – finance/accounting
- Sissel Albertsen – committee member
- Erlend Neergaard – committee member
- Birthe Mikkelsen Saberniak – comittee member