The Meditation of the Buddha

kr 1000

Out of stock


Time: Friday 9th of June at 18:00 – 21:00, Saturday and Sunday 10th – 11th of June at 09:00 – 17:00.
Place: Karma Tashi Ling, Bjørnåsveien 124, 1272 Oslo
Price: NOK 1000. The price includes accommodation during the day, lunch on Saturday and Sunday, coffee, tea and snacks.
Tickets: See below. See further down on the page.
Maximum number of participants: 50
Transport: Each individual provides transport to and from. Plan public transport via the Entur app.
Accommodation: Participants provide their own accommodation.
Age: Minimum age for participants is 18 years.
Organizer: The Buddhist Society of Norway
Retreat leader: Jon Endre Mørk
Instructor: Ajahn Brahmali
Language: Norwegian

Den norske seniormunken Ajahn Brahmali kommer til Norge i juni, for å undervise og arrangere et helgeretreat basert på Buddhas lære om meditasjon på pusten, anapanasati. Praksisen fokuserer på å observere pusten for å oppnå dyp tilstedeværelse og indre stillhet. De dypeste stadiene av meditasjon i anapanasati kalles jhana. Riktig utført er pustemeditasjon en komplett praksis som leder til full oppvåkning.

Ajahn Brahmali vil undervise pustemeditasjon slik Buddha underviste den, i Anapanasati-suttaen.

Ajahn Brahmali has lived at Bodhinyana monastery in Australia since 1994 and is highly respected for his extensive knowledge of the Pali language and the Suttas, the oldest texts after the Buddha, i.e. those closest to what the Buddha taught. Ajahn Brahmali is also known for his understanding of the Vinaya, or monastic discipline, and his clear and accessible teaching which has earned him a following in many countries around the world.

See our previous retreats on this website.


Detailed day program will be announced later. Friday is from 18:00-21:00, Saturday and Sunday from 09:00-17:00


The retreat will be at KTL, Bjørnåsveien 124, 1272 Oslo. Plan public transport via the Entur app


The place offers some meditation equipment and good chairs for everyone, but we still recommend everyone who has their own equipment to bring and use this: chair, stool, seat cushions, mat. You need a mat, a simple pillow and maybe a blanket, if you want to do meditation lying down.

During meditation, comfort is important, and equipment brought can stay in the temple all weekend.


The price includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday, as well as coffee, tea and snacks inside the centre.


During a meditation retreat, we put the world on the outside aside for a while, to reach peace on the inside. Depending on your experience level, effort is required, especially at the beginning.

Meditation practised over a few days can create a peaceful, harmonious, happy and light mind, and the deeper the meditation is, the stronger the experience will be. Meditation is the eighth factor in the Buddha’s Eightfold Path, which places meditation in a larger necessary context for the practice to result in insight and wisdom about our own human nature – and it is these insights that result in the mind’s long-term change towards peace , ease and freedom.

As described in the Noble Eightfold Path, meditation builds on knowledge, right intentions, ethics/moral, efforts to lead the mind in a positive way and mindfulness.

A mind in harmony and peace relieves stress and positively affects body and health. But meditation as part of the Eightfold Path is primarily a tool for better quality of life and wisdom.


We recommend a small book on meditation called Kindfulness , it is an expanded and improved version of the free booklet Basic Method of Meditation , published by Wisdom Publications, Boston, USA. It provides a simple, short and effective introduction to meditation. The book is in English language, but the free booklet is available in both English and Norwegian.

Recommended video: The Power of Meditation – BBC documentary.


You register on this website – use the order button at the top of the page. Your registration is valid when we have received the payment. You will receive the ticket by email.

If there are no more free places left, send an email to to be put on the waiting list. From experience, there are always a couple of people who cannot come, for various reasons.

IMPORTANT : For those who have paid the participation fee and subsequently wish to withdraw from the retreat, even after the retreat has started, for whatever reason (including illness), the amount will only be refunded if someone on the waiting list can enter the place and pay for the retreat.

IMPORTANT: According to Norwegian law, you have a 14-day cancellation period for services purchased over the internet. This then applies 14 days after registration, or until the service is delivered – i.e. the retreat begins.