Kreivilä 7-day meditation retreat
kr 1110
7-day retreat with Ajahn Nitho, May 2024 at Kreivilä, Finland. Total price €500, deposit €100 upon registration, balance payable 4 weeks before the retreat starts.
Out of stock
Time: From Sunday 19th until Sunday 26th of May 2024. Arrival at 15:00 on the first day, departure after lunch on the last day.
Location: Kreivilä Center, Kreiviläntie 219, 31110 Matku (Forssa), Finland.
Language: All teachings will be given in English.
Price: Total €500, deposit of €100 payable upon registration, balance payable 4 weeks prior to the start of the retreat.
Maximum number of participants: 25
Transport: Each individual must provide transport to and from, but we help connect those who have their own transport with those who do not.
Food: Vegetarian with eggs and milk.
Age: Minimum age for participation is 18 years.
Organizer: The Buddhist Society of Norway.
Retreat leader: Mikko Asunta
Contact: For questions send email to, mobile +358 402216053
Instructor: Ajahn Nitho.
We are renting the entire Kreivilä center outside Forssa for a silent meditation retreat in May 2024, so that all participants will have optimal conditions for learning, practice and development. All participants get their own room.
The instructor Ajahn Nitho has more than 15 years of experience and has led many retreats in different countries, and can inspire with high quality and confidence. Ajahn Nitho is backed by British-Australian Ajahn Brahm – one of the world’s foremost masters of meditation and spirituality.
All teaching is given in English.
Beginner or experienced
This retreat will be suitable for everyone – a full introduction to meditation will be taught, as well as deepening in various areas as desired or needed. There will be teaching, guiding, questions/answers and individual guidance – and we will probably also have time for some yoga.
The meditation and teaching are carried out on comfortable chairs, but you can also sit on the floor using a mat and cushions or stools. Meditation can also be done lying on mats, or in bed in your bedroom.
All activities at the retreat are voluntary, you choose how many group activities you participate in, and how much you want to be alone and meditate/study in your own room.
See also the landing pages for this retreat.
Everyone must provide their own transport, but we will try to connect those with and without their own transport. There are trains from both Helsinki and Tampere to Humppila station, and pick-up services will be arranged. Itineraries and train tickets can be purchased at
Kreivilä Center
We set up for breakfast at 07.00 and lunch/dinner at 12.00, as well as something snack in the evening – buffet/self-service. The food will be vegetarian, with eggs and dairy products. There will be snacks, tea and coffee available throughout the day. A simple hot meal will be served on the first evening and you will depart after lunch on the last day. If you have special dietary needs in addition to this (vegan, gluten-free, etc.) you must bring some food yourself.
Everyone gets their own room, which is of a good and simple standard, without a TV. Wi-fi is available in the hotel, and the entire area has 4G coverage. There is no room service during the retreat.
To keep the price down, all participants must contribute an average of approximately one hour of karma yoga per day – simple tasks during your stay – cooking and cleaning.

The venue has good chairs to sit on, mats and seat cushions, but we still recommend that anyone who has their own equipment to bring and use it: chair, stool, seat cushions, mat.
Many people also choose to bring earplugs, so that everything can be completely quiet during a meditation. If you enjoy hiking in nature, bring a jacket, suitable shoes and maybe an umbrella.
The program for the retreat will be published before the retreat, but here is a preliminary day program:
06.00 – 07.00 — Group meditation (optional)
07.30 – 08.00 — Breakfast
08.30 – 09.30 — Teaching
10.00 – 11.00 — Free practice
11.00 – 12.00 — Free practice
12.00 – 13.00 — Lunch
13.00 – 14.00 — Karma yoga – Free practice
14.00 – 15.00 — Free practice
15.00 – 16.00 — Guided meditation – Free practice
16.00 – 17.00 — Individual guidance – Free practice
17.00 – 17.30 — Individual guidance – Free practice
17.30 – 18.00 — Evening snacks
18.00 – 19.00 — Free practice
19.00 – 20.00 — Free practice
20.00 – 21.00 — Questions and answers
21.00 – ??.?? — Free practice
Many different topics will be taught, based on needs and wishes. Here are some examples:
- Basic meditation, goals and method
- Practical meditation: sitting, walking, lying down
- Meditation on the breath
- Metta meditation (loving-kindness)
- Body scan meditation
- The Eightfold Path, which includes mindfulness
- The right effort – how to create peace and stability of mind
- Hindrances in meditation
During a meditation retreat, we put the world on the outside aside for a while, to reach peace on the inside. Depending on your experience level, effort is required, especially at the beginning.
Meditation practised over a few days can create a peaceful, harmonious, happy and light mind, and the deeper the meditation is, the stronger the experience will be.
Meditation is the eighth factor in the Noble Eightfold Path, which sets meditation into a bigger framework, so that the training can lead to insight and wisdom about ourselves. It is these insights which can change the mind towards peace, lightness and freedom in the long term.
As described in the Noble Eightfold Path, meditation builds on knowledge, right intentions, ethics/moral, efforts to lead the mind in a positive way and mindfulness.
A mind in harmony and peace relieves stress and positively affects body and health. But meditation as part of the Eightfold Path is primarily a tool for better quality of life and wisdom.
Medicine and Health
If you have a physical illness, remember to bring the necessary medicine. Meditation cannot replace medicine. If you have a physical illness that gets worse from long periods of sitting or walking, check with your doctor before signing up.
If you have a mental disorder, you must clarify with Ajahn Nitho and health personnel before registration. Meditation cannot replace therapy or medication, and a retreat is not a place where you can stop or adjust medication.
Bring along
- Personal hygiene products, including shampoo.
- Towel
- Sheet, duvet cover and pillowcases. The center has a duna and pillow.
Do Not Bring
- Do not bring pets
- Do not bring or use alcohol
- Do not bring and wear provocative clothing
You register by pressing the “Add to Cart” button at the top of this page. Your registration is valid when we have received the payment.
IMPORTANT: For those who have paid the deposit of €100 or the full participation fee of €500 and subsequently withdraw from the retreat, even after the retreat has started, for any reason (including illness), the amount will be refunded if the association finds another person, for example from the retreat waiting list. Otherwise, we recommend travel insurance, to remove the risk if you have to withdraw, for example due to illness, and the association cannot find someone to take your place.
IMPORTANT: According to Norwegian law, you have a 14-day cancellation period for services purchased over the internet. This then applies 14 days after registration, or until the service is delivered – i.e. the retreat begins.
Feel free to bring a friend, but remember that this is a quiet retreat, where the focus is on our inner world, and to a less extent the social.
Ajahn Nitho recommends a small book on meditation called Kindfulness, it is an expanded and improved version of the free booklet Basic Method of Meditation, published by Wisdom Publications, Boston, USA. It provides a simple, short and effective introduction to meditation. The book is in English, but the free booklet is available in both English and Norwegian.
Silence and the 8 training rules
During the retreat we practice silence. This means that we avoid talking to each other or using any form of non-verbal communication. The exceptions are if the instructor open for questions at the end of the day. We practice silence to minimize distractions and facilitate a calm mind that can focus inward. Silence helps and supports meditation.
During a retreat, especially for longer retreats, in order for the mind to have optimal conditions to develop towards freedom, lightness, energy, harmony and balance, there are eight recommended training rules:
- train not to destroy/harm living beings
- train not to take, what is not given
- practice abstaining from sexual activity
- practice refraining from improper speech
- practice abstaining from intoxicating drinks and drugs, which lead to indifference
- practice refraining from eating after lunch
- practice abstaining from dancing, singing, music, entertainment, perfume and cosmetics
- practice abstaining from a luxurious lifestyle