We have just finished our big retreat at Venabu in Rondane – with snow, sun, lots of practice, inspiration and uplifting results. Now we are going around Norway, and the trip starts in Arendal:

Arendal − Course in meditation
The course in Arendal in June is already fully booked, but we are looking for more people on the waiting list − someone always gets sick. There will be a focus on meditation, mindfulness and right effort – as part of the eight-fold path. More on this website.
Oslo – Buddha’s meditation
The Norwegian monk Ajahn Brahmali is coming to Norway, and will teach a weekend meditation retreat on the 9th til 11th of June, with a focus on the meditation the Buddha used to achieve awakening – meditation on the breath. We rent KTL in Oslo. More information and registration is possible on this website.
Bergen – Course in meditation
At the end of June we are going to Bergen for the first time, to run a weekend course in meditation and Buddhism. We wonder how we will be received between the seven mountains. If you know someone in Bergen, please send them a message! Read more here..
Hardangervidda − Mountain Retreat 2023
We have been welcomed to Haukeliseter and Hardangervidda to organize the Mountain Retreat 2023. This is a 3-week retreat in July, where the participants themselves decide when and how long they will stay. The event is for those who like the outdoors – and want to combine mountain walks, independent practice and inspiring gatherings in the evening. We set up base in the heather on Hardangervidda within walking distance of Haukeliseter mountain lodge, in a large communal tent with a powerful heater system. There are bus going all the way from Oslo and other places. More information on this website.
The Sunnmør Alps − Rains Retreat
Ajahn Nitho disappears into the mountains for three months – August, September and October – for his annual private 3-month retreat. Ajahn Nitho will not be available for contact during that period.
Trondheim – 9 day retreat
We have now found the premises for a 9-day retreat in Trondheim, first week in November. More information will follow – but mark off the week in the calendar. Ajahn Nitho will be the instructor, and the teaching will be in Norwegian language.
Tromsø – Polar Night Aurora 9 day retreat
We are looking north of the Arctic Circle in January 2024, when we have invited Ajahn Brahmali back to Norway to teach a 9-day winter retreat around Tromsø. We hope the northern lights can do its performance on a starry polar night, and otherwise we will sit warm and cozy inside with inspiration, meditation and friendship. More information to come later…
Join us!