Saturday, 18. June 2022
Ajahn Ajito (Sindre) from Vingrom, Lillehammer, is working hard to set up a place for Buddhist training and practice.
Sunday, 29. May 2022
The first property the soceity really found, was had a beautiful location in Asker - but was far too expensive!
Sunday, 22. May 2022
The Museum of History in Oslo was willing to host the United Nations' Vesak celebration in Oslo 2022 - and Ajahn Nitho was invited to give a speech on climate challenges.
Monday, 16. May 2022
Ajahn Nitho was invited to give a speech at the national Vesak 2022 celebration at Karma Tashi Ling, in Bjørndalen outside Oslo. The theme of the speech was equal opportunities for men and women.
Monday, 9. May 2022
SiSA invited Ajahn Nitho to Hjartland in Nordland to arrange a weekend retreat on The 7th and of May 2022. It was a small retreat with 9 participants, a colder spring weekend by the coast.
Monday, 2. May 2022
On the weekend of April 30 and May 1, the society carried out a pilot project - our first weekend course in meditation and Buddhism. 26 people signed up, and we rented premises at Pranahuset in Sandvika, Bærum.
Saturday, 30. April 2022
We are planning many weekend retreats in the future - here are the dates!
Thursday, 28. April 2022
The Norwegian Documentary Film Festival, organized by the students at Volda University College, invited Ajahn Nitho to a short gathering with meditation, guidance and questions/answers.
Saturday, 12. March 2022
On Friday 11th of March 2022, OVBF held its first [...]
Monday, 28. February 2022
From 20th to 27th of February 2022, OVBF conducted a seven-day silent meditation retreat for 15 people, in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Vegaøyene, on the island Skogsholmen, Helgelandskysten, Nordland, Norway.
Friday, 18. February 2022
A bonfire flutters in the dark spruce forest where the three members of Together in Silence are gathered for meditation. - The deep relaxation is something people need, says Erlend Neergaard. For him, meditation has been an important part of the path to becoming a Buddhist.
Tuesday, 25. January 2022
DNBF annual report for 2021 - activities, future, chairman's report, spiritual leader's report and accounts.
Saturday, 4. December 2021
The holidays are approaching, and we choose to send out [...]
Saturday, 4. December 2021
We have the pleasure of announcing a meditation retreat in [...]
Wednesday, 20. October 2021
The first retreat the society organized was at Krøderen in autumn 2021, outside Hønefoss. We rented a large cabin, with a large lavo for teaching. Both retreat leader and instructor were a little nervous.
Tuesday, 31. August 2021
Leader of the society, Jon Endre Mørk, made a small video as a gift for Ajahn Brahms's 70th birthday.
Sunday, 18. July 2021
OVBF has finished its first season of activities and teachings. [...]
Sunday, 18. July 2021
Ajahn Nitho has been allowed to live with the Thai monks at Wat Thai Norway, while he works on developing the society full time.
Saturday, 5. June 2021
Håpets katedral (The Cathedral of Hope) is also an innovative project, a showcase of how marine plastic can be used as a raw material in new products. The Cathedral of Hope focuses on one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time, namely pollution of the world's oceans.
Wednesday, 26. May 2021
During the Covid pandemic, it was not possible to arrange public meetings, so teaching had to take place over the internet. Ajahn Nitho was asked to make a video speech that the The Norwegian Federation of Buddhism could use at Vesak 2021.
Wednesday, 24. February 2021
On the 24th of February 2021, the Buddhist Society of Oslo and Viken was founded by Jon Endre Mørk and Ajahn Nitho in Oslo.