During the retreat at Venabu April 2024, both instructors tried to focus on kindness, inspiration and joy – because we know how important it is for meditation and spiritual development. And that focus paid off – many people experienced how easy it is to sit for a long time and go deep in meditation, when the mind is full of positive emotions.
One of the participants summarized the teaching with a rhyme in English:
The peace and happiness inside
I want to catch it, but it just hide
Today I had a teaching, and now I know
You can only find peace and happiness by letting go.If you still need to do; to act
Add kindness; it will hava a huge impact
To all of you with an active mind
Just remember − be kind
Another participant summarized the teaching in the Pali language:
mettanca te bhikkhave cetto vimuttiya
which means “the mind of a bhikkhu (monk) will reach full awakening by practicing loving-kindness”.