Friday, 9. February 2024
DNBF annual report for 2023 - activities, future, chairman's report, spiritual leader's report and accounts.
Friday, 2. February 2024
Would you like to be the point of contact for DNBF where you live?
Friday, 2. February 2024
We are pleased to extend this formal invitation to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Sunday 3rd of March, at 16.00, at the premises of Wahl Larsen Advokatfirma, Fridtjof Nansens plass 5, 0160 Oslo.
Saturday, 27. January 2024
Nitho has been well taken care of as a guest at Wat Thai, but the society now wants to give him a home of his own. Can you help us find a suitable site to put our first building on?
Sunday, 21. January 2024
It's snowing, and we hope the cross country snow stays in Rondane, where we have the Venabu retreat 2024 in April. We're also looking forward to a snow-free inspiring indoor winter weekend in Trondheim - and when it comes to India, we guarantee a snow-free trip to the Buddha's homeland.
Sunday, 14. January 2024
It is now possible to sign up for the pilgrimage to India for DNBF members.
Friday, 12. January 2024
It is now possible for DNBF's members and Venerable Canda's supporters to register for the retreat - one week before everyone else.
Saturday, 30. December 2023
The committee's attempt to establish a separate failth society was a success!
Tuesday, 19. December 2023
We invited Ajahn Ajito from Vingrom, Lillehammer to Oslo to teach a weekend retreat for just before Christmas 2023.
Saturday, 9. December 2023
Holydays are approaching, and we have spent a lot of time planning activities. Here follows some news, and what we are currently planning for 2024.
Friday, 24. November 2023
The Faith Society DNBF - join the Buddhist Society of Norway on an important next step!
Thursday, 23. November 2023
In order to be able to grow and gain greater financial muscle, DNBF has explored the possibility of registering as a faith community, and is now asking for feedback from all members.
Monday, 13. November 2023
Our first 9-day retreat in Trøndelag was at Troset, a new retreat center just outside Trondheim. It was a great retreat, in nice new premises!
Wednesday, 1. November 2023
DNBF's spiritual director did his annual three-month retreat in the mountains of Western Norway, a period with a focus on study, meditation and health.
Sunday, 13. August 2023
The mountain retreat at Hardangervidda is over, and the monastics have now started their annual three-months retreat. Here are the plans going forward in time.
Sunday, 30. July 2023
Out in nature, peace of mind, exercise for the body on Hardangervidda - simple lifestyle and plenty of time for your own practice!
Thursday, 22. June 2023
The society's first visit and course in Bergen was fully booked, and despite the competition from sun and summer, we had a lot of teachings, discussions and testing of different meditation methods.
Monday, 12. June 2023
The Norwegian monk Ajahn Brahmali came to Norway to teach the method Buddha used to achieve awakening - meditation on the breath. Despite a cold, so that Ajahn Nitho had to be the warming-up monk on Friday, we got a nice presentation and many questions answered.
Monday, 12. June 2023
One of the members of the society's was interested in running a weekend course in Arendal, so in June Ajahn Nitho took the train to Arendal
Monday, 12. June 2023
999 followers on Facebook - and follower number 1000 ended up being one of the committee member - so it was time for a small celebration!
Monday, 22. May 2023
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Wednesday, 17. May 2023
After the society's first big retreat at Venabu, we have the following plans going forward.
Monday, 1. May 2023
In April 2023, DNBF conducted its first big 7-day retreat at Venabu Fjellhotell. The 47 retreatants impressed with their efforts and results!
Thursday, 27. April 2023
Membership in DNBF expires for all members on 30th of [...]
Thursday, 13. April 2023
At Vingrom, south of Lillehammer, beautifully situated on the mountainside, we find an energetic monk - who will soon be finished with three cabins for guests and monks.
Friday, 7. April 2023
The 2023 annual general meeting will be on Sunday 16th [...]
Wednesday, 29. March 2023
Jaran DeLos Santos Olsen having a background as a psychologist and 6 years as a monk in Thailand, was invited to teach mindfulness and meditation.
Wednesday, 29. March 2023
We are planning the mountain retreat for 2023, and we [...]